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Resistance Exercise Minimal Dose Strategies for Increasing Muscle Strength in the General Population: an Overview
Sports Medicine ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s40279-024-02009-0
James L. Nuzzo , Matheus D. Pinto , Benjamin J. C. Kirk , Kazunori Nosaka

Many individuals do not participate in resistance exercise, with perceived lack of time being a key barrier. Minimal dose strategies, which generally reduce weekly exercise volumes to less than recommended guidelines, might improve muscle strength with minimal time investment. However, minimal dose strategies and their effects on muscle strength are still unclear. Here our aims are to define and characterize minimal dose resistance exercise strategies and summarize their effects on muscle strength in individuals who are not currently engaged in resistance exercise. The minimal dose strategies overviewed were: “Weekend Warrior,” single-set resistance exercise, resistance exercise “snacking,” practicing the strength test, and eccentric minimal doses. “Weekend Warrior,” which minimizes training frequency, is resistance exercise performed in one weekly session. Single-set resistance exercise, which minimizes set number and session duration, is one set of multiple exercises performed multiple times per week. “Snacks,” which minimize exercise number and session duration, are brief bouts (few minutes) of resistance exercise performed once or more daily. Practicing the strength test, which minimizes repetition number and session duration, is one maximal repetition performed in one or more sets, multiple days per week. Eccentric minimal doses, which eliminate or minimize concentric phase muscle actions, are low weekly volumes of submaximal or maximal eccentric-only repetitions. All approaches increase muscle strength, and some approaches improve other outcomes of health and fitness. “Weekend Warrior” and single-set resistance exercise are the approaches most strongly supported by current research, while snacking and eccentric minimal doses are emerging concepts with promising results. Public health programs can promote small volumes of resistance exercise as being better for muscle strength than no resistance exercise at all.



许多人不参加抗阻运动,因为缺乏时间是一个主要障碍。最小剂量策略通常将每周运动量减少到低于推荐的指导值,可能会以最少的时间投入来提高肌肉力量。然而,最小剂量策略及其对肌肉力量的影响仍不清楚。在这里,我们的目标是定义和描述最小剂量阻力运动策略,并总结其对目前未进行阻力运动的个体肌肉力量的影响。概述的最小剂量策略包括:“周末战士”、单组阻力运动、阻力运动“零食”、练习力量测试和偏心最小剂量。 “周末战士”最大限度地减少训练频率,是每周进行一次的阻力训练。单组阻力练习是每周多次进行的一组多次练习,可最大程度地减少组数和训练持续时间。 “零食”可以最大限度地减少运动次数和持续时间,是每天进行一次或多次的短暂(几分钟)阻力运动。练习力量测试可以最大程度地减少重复次数和训练持续时间,是每周多天进行一组或多组的最大重复次数。最小偏心剂量可消除或最大程度地减少向心阶段的肌肉活动,是每周进行次最大或最大偏心重复次数的低量。所有方法都可以增强肌肉力量,有些方法可以改善健康和健身的其他结果。 “周末战士”和单组阻力训练是当前研究最有力支持的方法,而零食和偏心最小剂量是新兴概念,具有良好的效果。公共卫生计划可以提倡少量的抗阻运动,因为它比完全不进行抗阻运动更能增强肌肉力量。
