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Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of a Motor Competence Assessment Digital App
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-29 , DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2022-0222
Eduarda Sousa-Sá 1, 2, 3 , Natalie Lander 4 , Ahmad Abu Alqumsan 5 , Shehab Alsanwy 5 , Darius Nahavandi 5 , Nicole Toomey 5 , Shady Mohamed 5 , Steven Lewis 6 , Lisa M. Barnett 4, 7

Purpose: To refine a motor competence assessment app prototype, enabling its redesign. Method: Workshops were conducted to inform the prototype development. App’s usability was evaluated on its ability to communicate relevant information to the teachers (n = 9). A “think out loud” protocol was applied by the users. Results: Both workshops refined the app, namely: interface, background, acceptability/feasibility, results, teachers themselves, and effectiveness. Competitor analysis revealed recommendations for the wireframe, visuals, and proposed skills to be assessed. The need to include a demonstration for first-time users, video guidance, and links to more information for each skill was also raised. There was a recommendation on the design brief features and experiences. Conclusions: This study will provide guidance in discovering how digital solutions may shape motor competence assessment. The usability testing process with the teachers provides insight on the essential/desirable features required on these apps, enabling the prototype’s redesign to meet the users’ needs.



目的完善运动能力评估应用程序原型,使其能够重新设计。方法举办研讨会以告知原型开发。应用程序的可用性根据其向教师传达相关信息的能力进行评估( n  = 9)。用户采用了“大声思考”协议。结果两次研讨会都对应用程序进行了改进,即:界面背景可接受性/可行性结果教师本身有效性。竞争对手分析揭示了有关线框视觉效果待评估技能 建议。还提出需要为首次用户提供演示、视频指导以及每项技能的更多信息链接。对设计概要特征和体验提出了建议。结论这项研究将为发现数字解决方案如何影响运动能力评估提供指导。与教师一起进行的可用性测试过程提供了对这些应用程序所需的基本/所需功能的深入了解,从而使原型能够重新设计以满足用户的需求。
