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“It’s Been a Hell of a First Year. I Can Tell You That”: Two Novice Physical Educators’ Experiences Teaching in a Global Pandemic
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2022-0234
Jacob T. Peterson 1 , Meghan Dennis 1 , Matthew D. Curtner-Smith 1

Purposes: The purposes of this study were to describe (a) the perspectives and practices of two beginning physical education teachers working in the COVID-19 pandemic and (b) the influence of the teachers’ occupational socialization on these perspectives and practices. Method: Data were collected with four qualitative techniques (formal interviews, informal interviews, document analysis, and a reflection journal). They were analyzed by employing the techniques of analytic induction and constant comparison. Findings: Jason and Lane were able to cope with and successfully adapt their teaching to the conditions dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This appeared to be due to the influence of their professional and secondary professional socialization and the fact that their schools’ cultures were mainly supportive. Conclusions: The study indicates that research-based undergraduate physical education teacher education combined with a specialist sport pedagogy master’s degree can produce skilled physical educators able to deliver effective physical education, even in very difficult circumstances.



目的本研究的目的是描述 (a) 在 COVID-19 大流行中工作的两名初任体育教师的观点和实践,以及 (b) 教师的职业社会化对这些观点和实践的影响。方法通过四种定性技术(正式访谈、非正式访谈、文件分析和反思日志)收集数据。通过采用分析归纳和不断比较的技术对它们进行分析。调查结果 Jason 和 Lane 能够应对并成功地调整他们的教学以适应 COVID-19 大流行所规定的条件。这似乎是由于他们的职业和中等职业社会化的影响以及他们的学校文化主要是支持性的这一事实。结论研究表明,以研究为基础的本科体育教师教育与专业运动教育学硕士学位相结合,可以培养出熟练的体育教育工作者,即使在非常困难的情况下也能提供有效的体育教育。
