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Received Signal Strength Characterization in Mixed LOS and NLOS Environments
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2024.3379483
Chao Wang 1 , Jiajun He 1 , Wenxin Xiong 2 , Hing Cheung So 1 , Young Jin Chun 1

The received signal strength (RSS) measurement is widely adopted in wireless positioning due to its simplicity and accessibility. This article utilizes the Boolean line model (BLM) to characterize the RSS distribution considering both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) conditions, where the reflectors are modeled as line segments with random lengths and inclination angles. We begin by calculating the probability of establishing a specular reflection link for a single reflector with a given transmitter–receiver pair. By leveraging this probability, we compute the distribution of RSS for a single NLOS link. By convolving the RSS distributions from the LOS and multiple NLOS paths, the RSS distribution in mixed LOS and NLOS conditions is derived. Theoretical developments are validated by comparing simulations and the experimental data collected from real-world scenarios.


混合 LOS 和 NLOS 环境中的接收信号强度表征

接收信号强度(RSS)测量由于其简单性和可访问性而在无线定位中被广泛采用。本文利用布尔线模型 (BLM) 来表征考虑视线 (LOS) 和非视线 (NLOS) 条件的 RSS 分布,其中反射器被建模为具有随机长度和倾斜角度的线段。我们首先计算为具有给定发射器-接收器对的单个反射器建立镜面反射链路的概率。通过利用这个概率,我们计算单个 NLOS 链路的 RSS 分布。通过对 LOS 和多个 NLOS 路径的 RSS 分布进行卷积,得出混合 LOS 和 NLOS 条件下的 RSS 分布。通过比较模拟和从现实场景收集的实验数据来验证理论发展。