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The pragmatic cycle of knowledge work: Unlocking cross-domain collaboration in open innovation spaces
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267241234003
Karl-Emanuel Dionne 1 , Paul R Carlile 2

Collaborating is increasingly characterized by working across domains and organizations. Teams rapidly form and dissolve, actors and settings frequently change, yet most academic research focuses on stable organizations and team configurations with familiar domains. This leads to the question: how do people successfully collaborate across domains and organizations in circumstances where there is little shared knowledge? We explored this question within the nascent digital health sector when Hacking Health—a non-profit organization—used an open innovation approach to bring together actors from different domains and organizations in temporary spaces to spur new collaborations. We found that actors faced many challenges and engaged in four interconnected types of knowledge work to address them: exploring, complementing, mapping, and modeling. This article reveals how Hacking Health’s open innovation approach used different kinds of temporary spaces to progressively orient actors in their knowledge work to develop sustainable collaborations to create digital health solutions.



协作越来越以跨领域和跨组织的方式工作。团队迅速形成和解散,参与者和环境经常发生变化,但大多数学术研究都集中在熟悉领域的稳定组织和团队配置上。这就引出了一个问题:在共享知识很少的情况下,人们如何成功地跨领域和组织协作?当非营利组织 Hacking Health 使用开放式创新方法将来自不同领域和组织的参与者聚集在临时空间中以促进新的合作时,我们在新兴的数字医疗领域探讨了这个问题。我们发现参与者面临许多挑战,并参与四种相互关联的知识工作来解决这些挑战:探索、补充、映射和建模。本文揭示了 Hacking Health 的开放式创新方法如何使用不同类型的临时空间来逐步引导参与者的知识工作,以发展可持续的合作来创建数字健康解决方案。