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Circadian Biology and the Neurovascular Unit
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.124.323514
Wenlu Li 1, 2 , Steffen Tiedt 2, 3 , Jennifer H Lawrence 2, 4 , Mary E Harrington 2, 5 , Erik S Musiek 2, 4 , Eng H Lo 1, 2

Mammalian physiology and cellular function are subject to significant oscillations over the course of every 24-hour day. It is likely that these daily rhythms will affect function as well as mechanisms of disease in the central nervous system. In this review, we attempt to survey and synthesize emerging studies that investigate how circadian biology may influence the neurovascular unit. We examine how circadian clocks may operate in neural, glial, and vascular compartments, review how circadian mechanisms regulate cell-cell signaling, assess interactions with aging and vascular comorbidities, and finally ask whether and how circadian effects and disruptions in rhythms may influence the risk and progression of pathophysiology in cerebrovascular disease. Overcoming identified challenges and leveraging opportunities for future research might support the development of novel circadian-based treatments for stroke.



哺乳动物的生理机能和细胞功能在每天 24 小时内都会发生显着的波动。这些日常节律很可能会影响中枢神经系统的功能和疾病机制。在这篇综述中,我们试图调查和综合新兴研究,研究昼夜节律生物学如何影响神经血管单元。我们研究生物钟如何在神经、神经胶质和血管区室中运作,回顾昼夜节律机制如何调节细胞间信号传导,评估与衰老和血管合并症的相互作用,最后询问昼夜节律影响和节律破坏是否以及如何影响风险脑血管疾病的病理生理学和进展。克服已确定的挑战并利用未来研究的机会可能会支持开发基于昼夜节律的新型中风治疗方法。