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A (Meta) Picture is Worth a Thousand “Likes:” An Analysis of Engagement with Sports Network Images on Instagram
Communication & Sport ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: 10.1177/21674795241233174
Rich G. Johnson 1 , Miles Romney 2 , Kevin John 2

Previous studies on sports images have often focused on gender and race representation. However, with the rise of social media, sports photographers worldwide are fighting professionally produced and user-created images for audience attention. Recent scholarship has shown that stronger storytelling elements in sports photographs spur an increase in lower-level engagement metrics. The current study dives deeper into the types of images that generate key social media engagement. Researchers conducted a biometric analysis of 28 randomly sampled Instagram images from sports networks’ official feeds. Results indicate that social media images containing metacommunicative themes increase audience engagement. These findings offer insights into improving social media engagement for sports news sources.


一张(元)图片值得一千个“赞”:Instagram 上体育网络图片的参与度分析

先前对体育图像的研究通常集中在性别和种族代表性上。然而,随着社交媒体的兴起,世界各地的体育摄影师正在与专业制作和用户创建的图像争夺观众的注意力。最近的研究表明,体育照片中更强的讲故事元素会刺激较低水平的参与度指标的增加。当前的研究更深入地探讨了产生关键社交媒体参与度的图像类型。研究人员对体育网络官方动态中随机抽取的 28 张 Instagram 图片进行了生物识别分析。结果表明,包含元交流主题的社交媒体图像可以提高受众的参与度。这些发现为提高体育新闻来源的社交媒体参与度提供了见解。