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Creep-free polyelectrolyte elastomer for drift-free iontronic sensing
Nature Materials ( IF 37.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41563-024-01848-6
Yunfeng He 1 , Yu Cheng 2 , Canhui Yang 1 , Chuan Fei Guo 2

Artificial pressure sensors often use soft materials to achieve skin-like softness, but the viscoelastic creep of soft materials and the ion leakage, specifically for ionic conductors, cause signal drift and inaccurate measurement. Here we report drift-free iontronic sensing by designing and copolymerizing a leakage-free and creep-free polyelectrolyte elastomer containing two types of segments: charged segments having fixed cations to prevent ion leakage and neutral slippery segments with a high crosslink density for low creep. We show that an iontronic sensor using the polyelectrolyte elastomer barely drifts under an ultrahigh static pressure of 500 kPa (close to its Young’s modulus), exhibits a drift rate two to three orders of magnitude lower than that of the sensors adopting conventional ionic conductors and enables steady and accurate control for robotic manipulation. Such drift-free iontronic sensing represents a step towards highly accurate sensing in robotics and beyond.



人工压力传感器通常使用软材料来实现皮肤般的柔软度,但软材料的粘弹性蠕变和离子泄漏,特别是离子导体,会导致信号漂移和测量不准确。在这里,我们通过设计和共聚一种无泄漏和无蠕变的聚电解质弹性体来报道无漂移离子电子传感,该弹性体包含两种类型的链段:具有固定阳离子的带电链段,以防止离子泄漏,以及具有高交联密度的中性光滑链段,以实现低蠕变。我们表明,使用聚电解质弹性体的离子电子传感器在 500 kPa 的超高静压(接近其杨氏模量)下几乎不会漂移,其漂移率比采用传统离子导体的传感器低两到三个数量级,并且能够实现稳定、准确地控制机器人操作。这种无漂移的离子电子传感代表了机器人技术及其他领域向高精度传感迈出的一步。
