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Preparation of colored TiO2 flower/Ti3C2 for efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline
Inorganic Chemistry Communications ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.inoche.2024.112317
Quanhao Deng , Leyang Yu , Qianmei Chen , Jianfeng Wen , Anqi Zhang , Ming Li , Tao Tang , Guanghui Hu , Li Jiang , Xueli Cao , Yi Yao

Herein, colored TiO flowers grown on TiC (XTFT, where X = 250 °C, 300 °C, and 350 °C representing heating temperature) are prepared as photocatalysts for degradation of tetracycline using hydrothermal method and CVD process. TiO has a suitable bandgap as a photocatalyst. However, in practical applications, TiO cannot effectively utilize visible light and the recombination of photogenerated carriers is excessively fast. The fabrication of XTFT through defect engineering compensates for the shortcomings of pure TiO in photocatalytic applications, following which the bandgap of TiO is reduced and the TiO surface becomes discolored and effectively responds to visible light. TiC, a promising auxiliary material in the field of photocatalysis, is used as a photocatalyst in the degradation of tetracycline via defect engineering. After forming a composite with TiO, TiC can effectively separate TiO photogenerated carriers to enhance the photocatalytic performance of TiO. The degradation rate of 50 mL 50 mg/L tetracycline by 50 mg 300TFT under visible light irradiation for 30 min is 96.3 %. Compared with pure TiO, the photocatalytic efficiency is significantly improved, thus providing a new idea for realization of highly efficient visible photocatalysis in the field of environmental pollution in future.



在此,采用水热法和CVD工艺制备了在TiC上生长的彩色TiO花(XTFT,其中X = 250℃、300℃和350℃代表加热温度)作为光催化剂,用于降解四环素。 TiO作为光催化剂具有合适的带隙。然而,在实际应用中,TiO不能有效利用可见光,并且光生载流子的复合速度过快。通过缺陷工程制造的XTFT弥补了纯TiO在光催化应用中的缺点,随后TiO的带隙减小,TiO表面变色并有效响应可见光。 TiC是光催化领域一种很有前景的辅助材料,通过缺陷工程作为光催化剂降解四环素。 TiC与TiO形成复合物后,可以有效分离TiO光生载流子,增强TiO的光催化性能。 50 mg 300TFT在可见光照射下30 min对50 mL 50 mg/L四环素的降解率为96.3%。与纯TiO相比,光催化效率显着提高,为未来环境污染领域实现高效可见光催化提供了新思路。