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“Superimposed” spectral characteristics of fluorophores arising from cross-conjugation hybridization
Chinese Chemical Letters ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109786
Kai An , Qinglong Qiao , Lovelesh , Syed Ali Abbas Abedi , Xiaogang Liu , Zhaochao Xu

The demand for enhanced optical properties in advanced fluorescence technologies has driven research into the structure-property relationship of fluorophores. In this paper, we use naphthalene fluorophores NaDC-Aze and PhDO-Aze as a case study to emphasize the pivotal role of cross conjugation in tuning the optical structure-property relationship. NaDC-Aze and PhDO-Aze, formed by hybridizing two distinct conjugated systems in a single naphthalene molecule, exhibit spectral characteristics from both conjugated systems. Experimental data and theoretical calculations demonstrate the coexistence of two electron-delocalization systems in a cross-conjugation manner in both NaDC-Aze and PhDO-Aze. The cross-conjugation fluorophores exhibit high brightness, large Stokes shift, and a broad absorption wavelength range by combining distinct spectral properties from its parent fluorophores. These spectral properties will be advantageous for certain applications (i.e., panchromatic absorption in organic solar cells, and fluorophores compatible with a wide range of excitation wavelengths).



先进荧光技术对增强光学特性的需求推动了对荧光团结构-特性关系的研究。在本文中,我们使用萘荧光团 NaDC-Aze 和 PhDO-Aze 作为案例研究,以强调交叉共轭在调节光学结构-性能关系中的关键作用。NaDC-Aze 和 PhDO-Aze 是通过在单个萘分子中杂交两种不同的偶联系统而形成的,表现出两种共轭系统的光谱特性。实验数据和理论计算表明,在 NaDC-Aze 和 PhDO-Aze 中以交叉共轭方式共存两个电子离域系统。交叉偶联荧光基团通过结合与其母体荧光基团不同的光谱特性,表现出高亮度、大斯托克斯位移和宽吸收波长范围。这些光谱特性将有利于某些应用(即有机太阳能电池中的全色吸收,以及与宽激发波长范围兼容的荧光团)。