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Cyberbullying intervention and prevention programmes in Primary Education (6 to 12 years): A systematic review
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2024.101938
Mercedes Chicote-Beato , Sixto González-Víllora , Ana Rosa Bodoque-Osma , Raúl Navarro

The majority of studies in the current literature analyse cyberbullying at the secondary education stage. Nevertheless, although it has been shown that cybervictim and cyberbully roles may arise from the Primary School stage onwards, more research is still needed. The consequences of this problem can be manifested in indicators of psycho-social and psycho-emotional adjustment, harming not only the aggressor and the victim, but also the bystander. The aim of this study is to deepen the research and to analyse cyberbullying programmes implemented in primary schools in order to know their results and what are those factors on which the programmes are focused. Thus, a systematic and exhaustive search for empirical studies was carried out, with 17 programmes included in the review. It has been observed that cyberbullying prevention interventions from the first contact with technologies are effective in addressing and reducing cyberbullying-related behaviours. Specifically, emotional competence, self-regulation skills, school climate and online safety are factors that are present in programmes with positive results in prevention of cyberbullying. Furthermore, the need to design and validate specific data collection instruments for Primary Education is highlighted, as well as it is necessary to increase the frequency of implementation and evaluation of interventions, favouring collaboration between families and the educational centre.


初等教育(6 至 12 岁)中的网络欺凌干预和预防计划:系统评价

当前文献中的大多数研究都分析了中等教育阶段的网络欺凌。然而,尽管已经表明网络受害者和网络欺凌角色可能从小学阶段开始就出现,但仍需要更多的研究。这个问题的后果可以体现在心理社会和心理情绪调整指标上,不仅伤害攻击者和受害者,而且伤害旁观者。本研究的目的是深化研究并分析小学实施的网络欺凌计划,以了解其结果以及这些计划的重点因素是什么。因此,对实证研究进行了系统和详尽的搜索,审查中纳入了 17 个项目。据观察,从第一次接触技术开始就采取网络欺凌预防干预措施,可以有效解决和减少网络欺凌相关行为。具体来说,情绪能力、自我调节技能、学校氛围和网络安全是预防网络欺凌项目中所包含的因素,能够取得积极的成果。此外,还强调需要设计和验证初等教育的具体数据收集工具,并且有必要增加干预措施的实施和评估频率,有利于家庭和教育中心之间的合作。