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End-of-life electric vehicle battery disassembly enabled by intelligent and human-robot collaboration technologies: A review
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2024.102758
Weidong Li , Yiqun Peng , Yu Zhu , Duc Truong Pham , A.Y.C. Nee , S.K. Ong

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been experiencing radical growth to embrace the ambitious targets of decarbonisation and circular economies. The trend has led to a significant surge in the number of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) that will soon reach the end-of-life (EoL) stage. Given that landfilling EoL EV LIBs generates substantially negative impacts on the environment, it is imperative to develop economically and ecologically sound LIB recycling solutions. This survey aims to provide a systematic update on the latest development of disassembly technology for EoL LIBs, which is a critical enabler for EV LIB recycling. First, based on a detailed analysis of major challenges incurred by large-scale EoL LIBs, two technical pillars to uphold LIB disassembly technology, i.e., artificial intelligence and human-robot collaboration (HRC), are pinpointed. Furthermore, state-of-the-art studies are analysed according to three categories, namely, LIB knowledge representation for disassembly, HRC-based LIB disassembly planning, and HRC-based LIB disassembly operations. Benchmarks are conducted on the relevant research under each category to summarise their major characteristics, pros and cons. Finally, discussions are made, and promising prospects are highlighted in a bid to inspire researchers and practitioners to explore further development of methodologies and technologies to progress towards the sustainable processing of EoL LIBs.



为了实现脱碳和循环经济的宏伟目标,电动汽车 (EV) 一直在经历急剧增长。这一趋势导致锂离子电池 (LIB) 的数量大幅增加,而这些电池很快就会达到报废 (EoL) 阶段。鉴于填埋报废电动汽车锂离子电池会对环境产生重大负面影响,因此必须开发经济且生态良好的锂离子电池回收解决方案。本次调查旨在系统地介绍报废锂电池拆解技术的最新发展,这是电动汽车锂电池回收的关键推动因素。首先,在详细分析大规模退役锂离子电池面临的主要挑战的基础上,明确了支撑锂离子电池拆解技术的两大技术支柱,即人工智能和人机协作(HRC)。此外,根据三个类别对最新研究进行了分析,即用于拆卸的LIB知识表示、基于HRC的LIB拆卸规划和基于HRC的LIB拆卸操作。对每个类别下的相关研究进行基准测试,总结其主要特点、优缺点。最后,进行了讨论,并强调了广阔的前景,以激励研究人员和从业者探索方法和技术的进一步发展,以实现 EoL LIB 的可持续加工。