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Spheroidization of Particles in Tool Cutting Plates Made of Powder Hard Alloys
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s0036029523700350
V. A. Skryabin , A. E. Zverovshchikov

Abstract—The problems of forming the structure of heterogeneous powder materials of tool plates are considered. A high-quality powder material is found to be produced as a result of creating a more equilibrium structure in the form of rounded solid-phase particles, which have a high adhesion strength with the minimum free (surface) energy of the interatomic interaction forces in the solid components of alloys. When a structure of powder alloys with regular-shape particles (faceted, rounded) is formed, the most important properties of hard alloys are found to increase, which eventually ensures such stable performance indicators of parts as wear resistance, fatigue strength, creep, and impact toughness.



