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Trajectories of relationship and sexual satisfaction over 2 years in the Covid‐19 pandemic: A latent class analysis
Journal of Personality ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12928
Julia Vigl 1 , Hannah Strauß 1 , Francesca Talamini 1 , Marcel Zentner 1

ObjectivePrevious research on the impact of the Covid‐19 pandemic on romantic relationships has mainly concentrated on short‐term effects and average trends of change. This study aimed to explore different trajectories of relationship and sexual satisfaction from April 2020 to March 2022.MethodIncluding a cross‐national sample of 2859 individuals, a latent class approach was applied to identify subgroups of sexual and relationship satisfaction trajectories. Participants' satisfaction levels, attachment style, psychological symptoms, life satisfaction, and living arrangements were taken into account.ResultsThree latent classes were identified for both relationship and sexual satisfaction: (1) a group with high satisfaction levels but a slightly declining trajectory, (2) a group with low satisfaction levels but an ascending trajectory, and (3) a fluctuating group. Living apart, having children, psychological symptoms, low life satisfaction, and avoidant attachment characterized the two groups with low or fluctuating trajectories.ConclusionsThe findings suggest that there were different trajectories of relationship and sexual satisfaction during the pandemic, which can be predicted by individual dispositions. Even 2 years after the pandemic, its effects had not disappeared.


Covid-19 大流行两年来的关系和性满意度轨迹:潜在类别分析

目的 先前关于 Covid-19 大流行对恋爱关系影响的研究主要集中在短期影响和平均变化趋势上。本研究旨在探索 2020 年 4 月至 2022 年 3 月期间关系和性满意度的不同轨迹。方法包括 2859 名个体的跨国样本,采用潜在类别方法来识别性和关系满意度轨迹的亚组。考虑了参与者的满意度、依恋风格、心理症状、生活满意度和生活安排。结果确定了关系和性满意度的三个潜在类别:(1)满意度水平较高但轨迹略有下降的组,( 2)满意度较低但呈上升趋势的群体;(3)波动群体。分居、生孩子、心理症状、低生活满意度和回避型依恋是这两个群体轨迹较低或波动的特征。结论研究结果表明,大流行期间,关系和性满意度存在不同的轨迹,这可以通过个人性格来预测。即使疫情过去两年,其影响仍未消失。