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Don't tell me what to do! Narcissism and advice taking: A meta-analysis and future research directions
Personality and Individual Differences ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2024.112607
Anna-Katharina Stöcker , Astrid Schütz

In this meta-analysis, we investigated whether people with narcissistic traits are less likely than others to take advice. Additionally, we checked whether this would be independent of the advice giver's expertise and explored other potential moderators. Previously published and unpublished research has produced contradictory results, which motivated this pre-registered meta-analysis (k = 11, total number of participants = 2697) on the relation between narcissism and advice taking. We found a stable and robust, small, negative relation. Neither expertise of the advice giver nor other moderators were significant. We included robustness checks regarding participants, report characteristics, as well as operationalization of narcissism and advice taking. Theoretical, methodological and practical implications (for example, possible consequences of having people with narcissistic traits in positions of responsibility) are discussed and future research directions are outlined.



在这项荟萃分析中,我们调查了具有自恋特征的人是否比其他人更不可能接受建议。此外,我们检查了这是否独立于建议提供者的专业知识,并探索了其他潜在的主持人。以前发表和未发表的研究产生了相互矛盾的结果,这促使我们进行了这项关于自恋和接受建议之间关系的预先注册的荟萃分析(k = 11,参与者总数 = 2697)。我们发现了一个稳定而稳健的小负关系。建议提供者和其他主持人的专业知识都不重要。我们包括了关于参与者、报告特征以及自恋和接受建议的可操作性的稳健性检查。讨论了理论、方法和实践意义(例如,让具有自恋特征的人担任责任职位的可能后果),并概述了未来的研究方向。