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Activating and Stabilizing a Reversible four Electron Redox Reaction of I−/I+ for Aqueous Zn-Iodine Battery
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202403187
Chenggang Wang 1 , Xiaoxing Ji 1 , Jianing Liang 2 , Shunshun Zhao 3 , Xixi Zhang 1 , Guangmeng Qu 4 , Wenfeng Shao 1 , Chuanlin Li 1 , Gang Zhao 1 , Xijin Xu 1 , Huiqiao Li 2

We propose an efficient inter-halogen activation strategy together with an interlayer confinement design, which successfully triggers and stabilizes a highly reversible four-electron redox reaction from I to I+ for Zn-Iodine batteries. As a result, the specific capacity, output voltage and cycling performance of zinc-iodide battery are greatly improved.


激活和稳定水性锌碘电池中 I−/I+ 的可逆四电子氧化还原反应

我们提出了一种有效的卤素间激活策略以及层间限制设计,成功触发并稳定了锌碘电池从I−到 I +的高度可逆四电子氧化还原反应。从而大大提高了碘化锌电池的比容量、输出电压和循环性能。