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Racial and Ethnic Minorities Underrepresented in Pain Management Guidelines for Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Meta-analysis.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000003026
Katherine Merk 1 , Nicholas C. Arpey 2 , Alba M. Gonzalez 3 , Katia E. Valdez 3 , Anna Cohen-Rosenblum 4 , Adam I. Edelstein 2 , Linda I. Suleiman 2

Total joint arthroplasty aims to improve quality of life and functional outcomes for all patients, primarily by reducing their pain. This goal requires clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) that equitably represent and enroll patients from all racial/ethnic groups. To our knowledge, there has been no formal evaluation of the racial/ethnic composition of the patient population in the studies that informed the leading CPGs on the topic of pain management after arthroplasty surgery.



全关节置换术旨在主要通过减轻疼痛来改善所有患者的生活质量和功能结果。这一目标需要临床实践指南 (CPG) 公平地代表和招募来自所有种族/族裔群体的患者。据我们所知,在为主要 CPG 提供关于关节置换术后疼痛管理主题的研究中,尚未对患者群体的种族/民族构成进行正式评估。