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Sustainable aquatic resource management and inland fisheries in tropical Asia: Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-01996-8
Fritz Schiemer , Upali S. Amarasinghe , David Simon , Jacobus Vijverberg

The intensive utilization of tropical inland water bodies for multiple and sometimes competing activities underlines the necessity for their integrated and holistic co-management. This paper presents our synthesis on lake and reservoir fisheries in South and Southeast Asia as social–ecological systems, based on a synopsis of our research findings from a previous EU-funded research programme in Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Philippines (FISHSTRAT project). The paper attempts to merge our results with recent developments in research, policy and practice. We explore the effects of the main external and internal control mechanisms of the trophic state and pinpoint to the high production potential of traditionally unexploited small indigenous fish species. The limitations of conventional centralized management systems highlight the importance of introducing transdisciplinary approaches which integrate limnology, fish ecology and fisheries with the interests of other resource using stakeholders and decision makers in order to develop locally appropriate co-management strategies for sustainable aquatic resource use.



热带内陆水体的多种、有时是相互竞争的活动的密集利用凸显了对其进行综合和整体共同管理的必要性。本文基于我们之前欧盟资助的斯里兰卡、泰国和菲律宾研究项目(FISHSTRAT 项目)的研究成果概要,介绍了我们对南亚和东南亚湖泊和水库渔业作为社会生态系统的综合分析。本文试图将我们的结果与研究、政策和实践的最新发展相结合。我们探索营养状态的主要外部和内部控制机制的影响,并查明传统上未开发的小型本土鱼类的高生产潜力。传统集中管理系统的局限性凸显了引入跨学科方法的重要性,这些方法将湖泊学、鱼类生态学和渔业与其他资源利用利益相关者和决策者的利益结合起来,以便制定适合当地的共同管理战略,实现水生资源的可持续利用。
