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Joint Communication, Sensing, and Computing in Space鈥揂ir鈥揋round Integrated Networks: System Architecture and Handover Procedure
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2024.3371420
Yibo Zhang 1 , Jingjing Wang 2 , Qi Li 3 , Jianrui Chen 2 , Houze Feng 4 , Shanbao He 1

With the ongoing expansion of user numbers and the diversity of business types, wireless networks are progressing toward broader spatial dimensions and increased functionality. With respect to coverage, the space–air–ground integrated network (SAGIN) is considered a promising solution for providing seamless global connectivity to emerging services. In terms of functionality, wireless networks are expected to offer not only communication services but also sensing and computing services, which are crucial for certain businesses. However, within SAGIN there is a significant variance in performance among different types of radio access networks (RANs). This necessitates a reconsideration of system architecture and handover selection schemes to meet the quality of service (QoS) requirements of various business applications. The main focus of this article is to explore the integration of sensing and mobile edge computing (MEC) with SAGIN and also to examine the system architecture, selection schemes, and handover procedures. We first provide an overview of SAGIN’s capabilities and highlight its integrated architecture. Subsequently, we introduce several handover selection schemes, followed by an elaboration on the redesigned handover procedure for SAGIN. Finally, we present some simulation results and discuss challenges that need to be addressed in practical implementation.



随着用户数量的不断扩大和业务类型的多样化,无线网络正在向更广阔的空间维度和更强的功能方向发展。在覆盖范围方面,空地一体化网络(SAGIN)被认为是为新兴服务提供无缝全球连接的有前景的解决方案。在功能方面,无线网络预计不仅提供通信服务,还提供传感和计算服务,这对某些业务至关重要。然而,在 SAGIN 内,不同类型的无线接入网络 (RAN) 之间的性能存在显着差异。这就需要重新考虑系统架构和切换选择方案,以满足各种业务应用的服务质量(QoS)要求。本文的主要重点是探索传感和移动边缘计算 (MEC) 与 SAGIN 的集成,并检查系统架构、选择方案和切换程序。我们首先概述 SAGIN 的功能并重点介绍其集成架构。随后,我们介绍了几种切换选择方案,然后详细阐述了重新设计的 SAGIN 切换过程。最后,我们展示了一些模拟结果并讨论了实际实施中需要解决的挑战。