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Survival and speechlessness in Malabou: Oedipus or Eurydice?*
French Cultural Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/09571558241236914
Eva-Maria Aigner 1

How to speak of wounding, of survival? Regarding a new “recently adopted apocalyptic tone in philosophy” and the multiple crises of the twenty-first century this question, which has shaped Occidental philosophy after Auschwitz, seems to have gained increased urgency. In her book “The New Wounded” (orig. 2007) Malabou addresses this question of the (im)possibility of the symbolization of traumatic injuries. The paper develops Malabou's understanding of survival as dis-continuity and the problem of the speechlessness of the survivor implicit to it: What can, in fact, be said, when the “in-dividual” is suspended from the chronological order of time and its mode of survival consists precisely in this suspension? By also considering the work of Dufourmantelle and Derrida on this matter, I intend to open up a yet underexplored perspective on deconstruction's contribution to a thinking of survival.



如何谈论伤害、生存?关于新的“哲学中最近采用的世界末日论调”和二十一世纪的多重危机,这个在奥斯维辛之后塑造了西方哲学的问题似乎变得越来越紧迫。马拉布在她的著作《新的受伤者》(The New Wounded,2007 年原著)中讨论了创伤性损伤象征化(不)可能性的问题。本文阐述了马拉布对生存作为不连续性的理解,以及其中隐含的幸存者无言以对的问题:当“个体”从时间的时间顺序中悬置出来时,实际上可以说什么呢?生存方式正是在于这种悬浮?通过考虑杜福曼特尔和德里达在这个问题上的工作,我打算就解构主义对生存思维的贡献开辟一个尚未充分探索的视角。