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Music Preferences and Their Associations With Uses of Music and Personality Factors and Facets
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374241239890
Ana Butković 1 , Valnea Žauhar 2

In this study, we examined the associations between music preferences, uses of music and personality factors and facets. The sample included 449 participants (50% female, M = 23.59, SD = 2.14) who indicated preferences for international and regional music styles that were classified into Reflective and Complex, Intense and Rebellious, Upbeat and Conventional, Energetic and Rhythmic, and Regional preferences, and filled in the Uses of Music Inventory and IPIP-300 questionnaire. After controlling for age, gender and uses of music, personality significantly added to the prediction of all music preferences, except Energetic and Rhythmic. Personality factors explained additionally from 9% to 21%, and facets from 18% to 34% of the music preference variance, respectively. Openness, as well as some openness facets, emerged as significant predictors for different music preferences. Our results indicate that when trying to explain preferences with personality traits, the personality traits should be measured at the facet level.



在这项研究中,我们研究了音乐偏好、音乐的使用与个性因素和方面之间的关联。样本包括 449 名参与者(50% 女性,M = 23.59,SD = 2.14),他们表示对国际和地区音乐风格的偏好,分为反思和复杂、激烈和叛逆、乐观和传统、活力和节奏以及地区偏好,并填写了音乐库存的用途和 IPIP-300 调查问卷。在控制了年龄、性别和音乐用途后,个性显着地增加了对除活力和节奏之外的所有音乐偏好的预测。性格因素和其他因素分别解释了音乐偏好差异的 9% 到 21% 和 18% 到 34%。开放性以及一些开放性方面成为不同音乐偏好的重要预测因素。我们的结果表明,当试图用人格特质解释偏好时,人格特质应该在侧面水平上进行测量。