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Synthesis, Characterization, and Polymorphism of [H3O][NbF6]: A Polar and Possibly Ferroelectric Oxonium Salt
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202400015
Martin Möbs 1 , Malte Sachs 2 , Konstantin Rolheiser 2 , Clemens Pietzonka 2 , Antti Karttunen 3 , Florian Kraus 4

[H3O][NbF6] was synthesized and characterized. At room temperature, it adopts a polar structure with the dipole momentum of the [H3O]+ ions directed along the polar axis. A phase transition at 363 K leads to a plastic high-temperature polymorph hinting towards potential ferroelectric properties of the compound as the [H3O]+ and [NbF6] ions are able to rotate freely. A second phase transition at 137 K leads to a cubic non-centrosymmetric low-temperature polymorph.


[H3O][NbF6] 的合成、表征和多晶型:一种极性且可能的铁电氧鎓盐

合成并表征了[H 3 O][NbF 6 ]。在室温下,它采用极性结构,[H 3 O] + 离子的偶极动量沿极轴方向。 363 K 的相变导致塑性高温多晶型,暗示化合物具有潜在的铁电特性,如 [H 3 O] + 和 [NbF 6 离子能够自由旋转。 137 K 时的第二次相变产生立方非中心对称低温多晶型物。