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Mechanochromic Hydrogel Fibers with Multiple Fluorescent Colors
Macromolecular Rapid Communications ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1002/marc.202400030
Bo Xu 1 , Jin Yang 1 , Yinghe Yang 1 , Jiping Yang 1 , Zhijian Wang 1, 2

Mechanochromic polymers can change their color in response to external force and have shown promising applications in stress sensing and failure warning. They are usually obtained as thin films or bulky specimens. The mechanochromic fibers, which can be used to make smart fabrics, have been seldom reported due to the lack of efficient fabrication techniques. In this work, a general method using photo-polymerization of microgel solution in a template tube to produce mechanochromic hydrogel fibers is reported. The obtained hydrogel fibers can generate visible and fluorescent color changes upon deformation. The diameter of the mechanochromic fibers can be easily adjusted by using different template tubes. The mechanochromic fibers can be fabricated as long as 1 m. By reducing the fiber diameter or increasing the microgel concentration, the mechanical properties of the mechanochromic fibers can be improved, leading to more obvious mechanochromic behavior. The polymethacrylate (PMA) is further used to coat the hydrogel fibers, prevent the loss of water in the fibers, and increase the storage time. The mechanochromic fibers with multiple fluorescent colors are further fabricated by utilizing different microgel solutions. This work provides an easy and effective method to fabricate mechanochromic fibers with different color change abilities.



力致变色聚合物可以响应外力而改变颜色,并在应力传感和故障警告方面显示出有前景的应用。它们通常以薄膜或大块样品的形式获得。由于缺乏有效的制造技术,可用于制造智能织物的力致变色纤维很少被报道。在这项工作中,报道了一种在模板管中利用微凝胶溶液光聚合来生产机械致变色水凝胶纤维的通用方法。所获得的水凝胶纤维在变形时可以产生可见的荧光颜色变化。通过使用不同的模板管可以轻松调节力致变色纤维的直径。机械变色纤维可以制造长达1 m。通过减小纤维直径或增加微凝胶浓度,可以提高力致变色纤维的力学性能,从而导致更明显的力致变色行为。聚甲基丙烯酸酯(PMA)进一步用于涂覆水凝胶纤维,防止纤维中的水分流失,并增加储存时间。利用不同的微凝胶溶液进一步制备了具有多种荧光颜色的力致变色纤维。这项工作提供了一种简单有效的方法来制造具有不同变色能力的力致变色纤维。