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Neurological care for LGBT+ people
Nature Reviews Neurology ( IF 28.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41582-024-00944-0
Salvatore Giovanni Volpe 1 , Joya Ahmad 1 , Roshni Abee Patel 2, 3 , Nicole Rosendale 4, 5

Sexual and gender minority (LGBT+) people face unique health disparities that must be considered by health-care providers to ensure equitable and inclusive care. Although traditionally LGBT+ health has not been integrated into neurology training, sexual orientation and gender identity have direct relevance to neurological health, driven by both systemic and interpersonal factors. In this Review, we summarize the evidence for associations between sexual orientation and gender identity with the prevalence and outcomes of various neurological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, stroke and neurodevelopmental disorders, among others. We describe important clinical considerations pertaining to LGBT+ people and recommend language and practices to promote inclusive care, as well as highlight gaps in need of further research and possible strategies to minimize these, including systematic collection of sexual orientation and gender identity and use of inclusive language.


LGBT+ 人群的神经科护理

性少数群体 (LGBT+) 面临着独特的健康差异,医疗保健提供者必须考虑到这一差异,以确保公平和包容性的护理。尽管传统上 LGBT+ 健康尚未纳入神经学培训,但性取向和性别认同与神经系统健康直接相关,受到系统和人际因素的驱动。在这篇综述中,我们总结了性取向和性别认同与各种神经系统疾病(包括神经退行性疾病、癫痫、中风和神经发育障碍等)的患病率和结果之间关联的证据。我们描述了与 LGBT+ 人群相关的重要临床考虑因素,并推荐了促进包容性护理的语言和实践,并强调了需要进一步研究的差距和尽可能减少这些差距的可能策略,包括系统收集性取向和性别认同以及包容性语言的使用。
