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Show HBCU Referee Bias the Red Card: Testing Communication Theory in Division I Women’s College Soccer
Communication & Sport ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1177/21674795241239562
Andrew Dix 1

The current study focused on the red cards and yellow cards that referees gave to historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in Division I women’s college soccer for their in-game communicative actions. These cards are distributed to players who are perceived to have engaged in a reckless play or an action that involved excessive force. Within the United States, HBCUs are institutions of higher education that historically and primarily serve students who are of African American descent. Thus, the strong Black woman collective (SBWC) theory of communication was the theoretical frame because this study focused on small groups that were mostly comprised of African American women. Previous studies on referee bias were summarized in the literature review. Publicly available data on 19,360 soccer games were then analyzed. The findings indicated that referees gave more red cards to HBCU women’s college soccer teams relative to predominantly White institution (PWI) women’s college soccer teams at a statistically significant level. Yellow cards were also disproportionately distributed to HBCUs relative to PWIs. Implications for communication theory were noted in the study discussion as were interpretations on why referee bias against HBCUs continues to occur.


显示 HBCU 裁判对红牌的偏见:在 I 级女子大学足球中测试沟通理论

目前的研究重点是裁判在女子大学足球一级联赛中向历史悠久的黑人学院和大学 (HBCU) 因比赛中的交流行为而发出的红牌和黄牌。这些卡片会分发给那些被认为进行了鲁莽行为或涉及过度武力行为的玩家。在美国,HBCU 是高等教育机构,历史上主要为非裔美国人后裔的学生提供服务。因此,强大的黑人女性集体(SBWC)传播理论是理论框架,因为这项研究的重点是主要由非裔美国女性组成的小群体。文献综述中总结了以往关于裁判偏见的研究。随后对 19,360 场足球比赛的公开数据进行了分析。调查结果表明,相对于以白人为主的院校 (PWI) 女子大学足球队而言,裁判向 HBCU 女子大学足球队出示的红牌数量更多,且具有统计显着性。与 PWI 相比,黄牌分配给 HBCU 的比例也不成比例。研究讨论中指出了对沟通理论的影响,以及对为什么裁判针对 HBCU 的偏见持续发生的解释。