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No heaven but no longer hell? Tales of criminal victimization and shelter among irregular migrant men
International Review of Victimology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1177/02697580241232694
José Miguel De La Maza Díaz 1 , Arjen Leerkes 2

Irregular migrants are legally excluded from formal employment, regular housing markets, and unemployment benefits, and in the Netherlands, they are also excluded from governmentally funded homeless shelters. While alternative sheltering arrangements have emerged for specific irregular migrants (e.g. minors, victims of human trafficking), unaccompanied adult men were typically still excluded from institutionalized shelter. In 2019, however, the national government launched a sheltering pilot for irregular migrants, which involves unaccompanied adult men in particular. Based on qualitative fieldwork in Rotterdam, and using Van Dijk and Steinmetz’s risk model as a theoretical lens, we argue that irregular status, interacting with other relevant factors such as social capital, co-determines the men’s criminal victimization risks, and fear of crime. In addition, we show how access to shelter changed the meaning and therefore the consequences of irregular status, resulting in both ‘de-marginalization’ and ‘re-marginalization’: victimization risks were generally reported to be lower in the shelter than in the streets, but sheltering also introduced new risks, which were mostly attributed to the co-presence of other sheltered groups, especially marginalized European Union (EU) citizens with a stronger immigration status. Paying attention to immigration statuses, and how they are socially constructed, thus helps to shed light on contemporary criminal victimization risks.



从法律上讲,非正规移民被排除在正规就业、正规住房市场和失业救济之外,在荷兰,他们也被排除在政府资助的无家可归者收容所之外。虽然针对特定非正规移民(例如未成年人、人口贩运受害者)出现了替代性庇护安排,但举目无亲的成年男子通常仍被排除在机构化庇护所之外。然而,2019 年,国家政府启动了针对非正规移民的庇护试点,其中尤其涉及无人陪伴的成年男性。基于鹿特丹的定性实地调查,并使用 Van Dijk 和 Steinmetz 的风险模型作为理论视角,我们认为,不正常的身份与社会资本等其他相关因素相互作用,共同决定了男性的犯罪受害风险和对犯罪的恐惧。此外,我们还展示了获得庇护所的机会如何改变了非正常身份的含义以及由此带来的后果,从而导致“去边缘化”和“再边缘化”:据报道,庇护所中的受害风险普遍低于街头但庇护也带来了新的风险,这主要归因于其他庇护群体的共同存在,特别是具有更强移民地位的边缘化欧盟(EU)公民。因此,关注移民身份及其社会建构方式有助于揭示当代犯罪受害风险。