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Improving strategic planning for nature: Panacea or pandora’s box for the built and natural environment?
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-01995-9
Alister Scott , Matthew Kirby

This paper assesses how strategic planning for nature can be improved for England’s built and natural environment using mainstreaming and landscape-scale concepts. Whilst both concepts feature in academic literature, there has been limited attention on their role as catalytic agents for strategic planning. Addressing this gap, evidence is used from two stakeholder workshops involving 62 senior policy experts managing a range of operational and hypothetical strategic spatial planning challenges. The results reveal a significantly weakened strategic planning arena characterised by policy disintegration, short termism and uncertainty. Key findings highlight the fallacy of pursuing strategic planning for nature in isolation from wider policy integration fusing environmental, economic and social components from the outset. Current barriers to progress include institutional inertia, technocratic vocabularies and neoliberalist priorities exacerbated by a weak underlying theory. Conversely opportunities for mainstreaming processes may help knowledge generation and exchange within transdisciplinary partnerships, whilst landscape scale thinking can improve understanding of issues using natures inherent geometry transforming processes and outcomes. The paper recommends the adoption of strategic planning pathways using mainstreaming and landscape-scale approaches working in tandem. Whilst focused on the English context, our findings are transferable to other planning systems in the Global North, especially those championing neoliberal market led policies.



本文评估了如何使用主流和景观尺度概念来改进英格兰的建筑和自然环境的自然战略规划。虽然这两个概念在学术文献中都有所体现,但人们对它们作为战略规划的催化剂作用的关注却很有限。为了解决这一差距,我们使用了两次利益相关者研讨会的证据,涉及 62 名高级政策专家,应对一系列操作和假设的战略空间规划挑战。结果显示,战略规划领域显着削弱,其特点是政策瓦解、短期主义和不确定性。主要调查结果凸显了从一开始就将环境、经济和社会要素融入更广泛的政策整合中,而追求自然战略规划的谬误。当前进步的障碍包括制度惰性、技术官僚词汇和新自由主义优先事项,而基础理论薄弱则加剧了这些障碍。相反,主流化过程的机会可能有助于跨学科伙伴关系内的知识生成和交流,而景观尺度思维可以利用自然固有的几何变换过程和结果来提高对问题的理解。该文件建议采用主流化和景观规模方法协同工作的战略规划路径。虽然我们关注的是英国背景,但我们的研究结果可以转移到全球北方的其他规划体系,特别是那些拥护新自由主义市场主导政策的体系。
