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Scandinavian Imperialism
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10141
Torkil Lauesen 1

This article is about Scandinavia—mainly Sweden’s—integration into and role within global capitalism. I focus on Sweden because it is the most important in economic terms; and “the Swedish model” is the ideal type of capitalist welfare state and social democracy there is most advanced. It covers the period from colonialism to present-day global commodity chains. It also describes the impact of imperialism on the working class in this process. Finally, it takes up Scandinavia’s current role in the imperialist system. The Scandinavian country’s economic and political systems cannot be understood without this long and global perspective. The development of global capitalism has significantly influenced the national contradictions that have come to define the “Scandinavian model.”



本文介绍的是斯堪的纳维亚半岛(主要是瑞典)融入全球资本主义及其在其中的作用。我关注瑞典,因为它在经济方面是最重要的; “瑞典模式”是资本主义福利国家的理想类型,也是那里最先进的社会民主主义。它涵盖了从殖民主义到当今全球商品链的时期。它还描述了帝国主义在此过程中对工人阶级的影响。最后,它承担了斯堪的纳维亚半岛目前在帝国主义体系中的角色。如果没有这种长远的全球视角,就无法理解斯堪的纳维亚国家的经济和政治体系。全球资本主义的发展极大地影响了定义“斯堪的纳维亚模式”的民族矛盾。
