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Mediational Affordances at a Science Centre Gallery: An Exploratory and Small Study Using Eye Tracking and Interviews
Research in Science Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11165-024-10163-8
Tang Wee Teo , Zee Heng Joshua Loh , Lek Ee Kee , Gary Soh , Eugene Wambeck

Science centres are informal learning spaces embedded with artefacts embodying mediational affordances. This exploratory and small-scale mixed methods study juxtaposes eye-tracking technologies and qualitative interviews to examine how visitors to a gallery navigated this space and interacted with different artefacts. A total of 15 visitors to the science centre gallery, Energy Story, participated in the study. The findings revealed inconclusive results about the directionality of their navigation. The mediational affordances of the artefacts, as interpreted from the interactive elements and interaction of the visitors and interviews, suggested that it was better to distribute the mediational affordances across a few artefacts in an exhibit rather than have one artefact embody several affordances. The concept of “mediational threshold” was suggested as a topic for future study. The findings contributed to the academic literature on eye-tracking studies at science centres. They also provided ideas for science centre curators and teachers who bring students with diverse learning needs to this mediational space.



科学中心是非正式的学习空间,里面嵌入了体现中介可供性的文物。这项探索性和小规模的混合方法研究将眼球追踪技术和定性访谈并置,以研究画廊的参观者如何浏览这个空间并与不同的文物互动。科学中心画廊“能源故事”共有 15 名参观者参与了这项研究。研究结果揭示了关于其导航方向性的不确定结果。从互动元素以及参观者和访谈的互动来解释文物的中介可供性,这表明最好将中介可供性分布在展览中的几件文物上,而不是让一件文物体现多种可供性。 “中介阈值”的概念被建议作为未来研究的主题。这些发现为科学中心眼球追踪研究的学术文献做出了贡献。他们还为科学中心馆长和教师提供了想法,将具有不同学习需求的学生带到这个中介空间。
