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Tests for consciousness in humans and beyond
Trends in Cognitive Sciences ( IF 16.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2024.01.010
Tim Bayne 1 , Anil K Seth 2 , Marcello Massimini 3 , Joshua Shepherd 4 , Axel Cleeremans 5 , Stephen M Fleming 6 , Rafael Malach 7 , Jason B Mattingley 8 , David K Menon 9 , Adrian M Owen 10 , Megan A K Peters 11 , Adeel Razi 12 , Liad Mudrik 13

Which systems/organisms are conscious? New tests for consciousness (‘C-tests’) are urgently needed. There is persisting uncertainty about when consciousness arises in human development, when it is lost due to neurological disorders and brain injury, and how it is distributed in nonhuman species. This need is amplified by recent and rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI), neural organoids, and xenobot technology. Although a number of C-tests have been proposed in recent years, most are of limited use, and currently we have no C-tests for many of the populations for which they are most critical. Here, we identify challenges facing any attempt to develop C-tests, propose a multidimensional classification of such tests, and identify strategies that might be used to validate them.



哪些系统/有机体是有意识的?迫切需要新的意识测试(“C 测试”)。关于意识在人类发育过程中何时产生、何时因神经系统疾病和脑损伤而丧失以及意识如何在非人类物种中分布,一直存在不确定性。人工智能 (AI)、神经类器官和异种机器人技术的最新快速发展进一步放大了这种需求。尽管近年来提出了许多 C 测试,但大多数用途有限,目前我们还没有针对许多最关键人群的 C 测试。在这里,我们确定了开发 C 测试的任何尝试所面临的挑战,提出了此类测试的多维分类,并确定了可用于验证它们的策略。