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Development and validation of the new resident empowerment through Tourism Scale: RETS 2.0
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104915
Edson Redy Moreira dos Santos , Luís Nobre Pereira , Patrícia Pinto , B. Bynum Boley

This study developed a new version of the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale - the RETS 2.0 by integrating two new dimensions of empowerment – economic and environmental empowerment – that the original RETS left off. The RETS 2.0 also abbreviates the original RETS to three items per a construct, reducing response burden, and opening up space for measuring different antecedents and outcomes of empowerment. The RETS 2.0 was empirically tested and validated in the small island destinations of Boa Vista and Sal, Cape Verde following Churchill's (1979) and Rossiter's (2002) three-stage mix-method scale development approach. After demonstrating convergent validity, nomological validity was demonstrated by all dimensions being significantly correlated with support for tourism. However, in the test of predictive validity, only psychological, economic, and environmental empowerment were found to be significant predictors of support for tourism. The RETS 2.0 is proposed as a holistic and parsimonious five-dimension scale that assesses resident's empowerment towards sustainable tourism development.


通过旅游规模开发和验证新的居民赋权:RETS 2.0

这项研究开发了新版本的“旅游赋权”量表——RETS 2.0,它整合了最初的 RETS 所遗漏的两个新的赋权维度——经济和环境赋权。 RETS 2.0 还将原始 RETS 缩写为每个结构三个项目,减少了响应负担,并为衡量授权的不同前因和结果开辟了空间。 RETS 2.0 遵循丘吉尔 (1979) 和罗西特 (2002) 的三阶段混合方法规模开发方法,在佛得角博阿维斯塔和萨尔小岛目的地进行了实证测试和验证。在证明收敛有效性后,所有维度都与旅游业的支持显着相关,从而证明了法理有效性。然而,在预测有效性测试中,只有心理、经济和环境赋权被发现是旅游业支持的重要预测因素。 RETS 2.0 是一个全面且简约的五维量表,用于评估居民对可持续旅游业发展的赋权。