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A topic which I want to know more about – preposition placement in finite WH-relative clauses in World Englishes
English Language & Linguistics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s1360674323000667

The present article analyzes the use of preposition stranding (the world which we live in) and pied-piping (the world in which we live) in finite WH-relative clauses in twelve varieties of English. In the light of previous studies, it assumes that the strength of processing constraints and formality effects that drive speakers’ constructional choices should correlate with Dynamic Model stages (Schneider 2007). However, drawing on data from the International Corpus of English (ICE) and using mixed-effects logistic regression analysis, the study shows that processing factors affect speakers of all Dynamic Model stages in a very similar way. At the same time, clear differences between variety stages are observed with respect to formality and topic, which strongly affect Phases IV and V but not Phase III. These results are interpreted from a Usage-based Construction Grammar perspective.


我想了解更多的主题 – 世界英语中 WH 关系从句中的介词放置

本文分析了介词stranding(我们生活的世界)和pied-piping(我们生活的世界)在十二种英语的有限WH关系从句中的使用。根据以前的研究,它假设驱动扬声器结构选择的处理约束的强度和形式效应应该与动态模型阶段相关(Schneider 2007)。然而,利用国际英语语料库(ICE) 的数据并使用混合效应逻辑回归分析,该研究表明,处理因素以非常相似的方式影响所有动态模型阶段的说话者。同时,不同阶段之间在形式和主题方面存在明显差异,这对第四阶段和第五阶段有很大影响,但对第三阶段没有影响。这些结果是从基于使用的构造语法的角度解释的。
