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The Infopolitics of feeling: How race and disability are configured in Emotion Recognition Technology
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241235914
Kerry McInerney 1 , Os Keyes 2

In this article, we argue that facial emotion recognition technology (facial ERT) reproduces historical forms of pseudoscience based on the concept of quantifiable and unequally distributed emotional capacity. Drawing on Kyla Schuller’s Biopolitics of Feeling and Colin Koopman’s theory of infopower, we put forward the term ‘the infopolitics of feeling’ to describe how facial ERT encodes culturally ‘correct’ or normative forms of emotional expression that have historically been used to define and delineate what it means to be human. To make this argument, we provide a close reading of Girl Decoded, the autobiography of Rana el Kaliouby, the founder and former CEO of the leading Emotion artificial intelligence (AI) firm Affectiva. Girl Decoded, we argue pits el Kaliouby herself – portrayed as the empathetic, liberal, emotionally expressive and ideal ‘feeling’ subject – against two non-normative figures: the unfeeling autist and the inscrutable Oriental who must be ‘cured’ through Affectiva’s facial ERT.



在本文中,我们认为面部情感识别技术(面部 ERT)基于可量化和不平等分布的情感能力的概念再现了伪科学的历史形式。借鉴凯拉·舒勒 (Kyla Schuller) 的情感生物政治学和科林·库普曼 (Colin Koopman) 的信息权力理论,我们提出了“情感信息政治”这一术语来描述面部 ERT 如何编码文化上“正确”或规范的情感表达形式,这些形式在历史上被用来定义和描绘成为人类意味着什么。为了论证这一论点,我们仔细阅读了领先的情感人工智能 (AI) 公司 Affectiva 的创始人兼前首席执行官 Rana el Kaliouby 的自传《Girl Decoded》。我们认为,在《解码女孩》中,卡利乌比本人——被描绘成善解人意、自由主义、情感表达和理想的“情感”主体——与两个非规范人物:冷酷无情的自闭症患者和必须通过 Affectiva 面部 ERT 来“治愈”的神秘东方人。 。