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Very low association between multidimensional musical environment exposure and musical perception skills among children: Evidence from a large multilevel cross-sectional study
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241235665
Hugo Cogo-Moreira 1 , Anders Nordahl-Hansen 1

This study aimed to explore whether music perception is correlated with the load of exposure to musical activities in daily life, such as attending musical events, playing an instrument, attending music classes (at school or for a social project), and the time children spend listening to music using a non-experimental design. We are reusing data from the studies by Barros et al. and Cogo-Moreira & Lamont, from a random school-based sample (multilevel design) including 1,006 children from first to fifth grade in 14 schools in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected using the “M-factor”, a new paradigm to assess music perception, and a questionnaire to track children’s self-reported musical activities related to their individual daily lives in different environments (home and school). At the within-participants level, self-reported exposure to music activity accounted for only 5.3% of the variance in music perception after adjusting for age and sex. Hence, the magnitude of the association between music exposure and music perception skills was small when both music exposure and music perception skills were evaluated under continuous scores and using a heterogeneous population.



本研究旨在探讨音乐感知是否与日常生活中接触音乐活动的负荷相关,例如参加音乐活动、演奏乐器、参加音乐课程(在学校或社交项目)以及儿童花费的时间使用非实验设计听音乐。我们正在重复使用 Barros 等人的研究数据。以及 Cogo-Moreira & Lamont,来自基于学校的随机样本(多层设计),其中包括巴西圣保罗 14 所学校的 1,006 名一年级至五年级的儿童。使用“M-factor”(一种评估音乐感知的新范式)和一份调查问卷来收集数据,该调查问卷用于跟踪儿童在不同环境(家庭和学校)中的个人日常生活相关的自我报告的音乐活动。在参与者内部层面,在调整年龄和性别后,自我报告的音乐活动暴露仅占音乐感知差异的 5.3%。因此,当在连续分数下并使用异质人群评估音乐暴露和音乐感知技能时,音乐暴露和音乐感知技能之间的关联程度很小。