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Outcomes, Politicians, or the Institution Itself? Using a Czech Case to Explain Trust Formation in Different Political Institutions and the Implications for Voter Turnout
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1177/08883254241229730
Jan Hruška 1 , Stanislav Balík 1

Compared to the scholarship on general political trust, relatively little attention has been paid to institutional trust. Research on the subject tends to treat political institutions as single entities, ignoring the fact that different institutions can enjoy, in the long term, very different levels of trust. This paper builds on the assumption that institutional trust may be formed differently depending on the institution type, and thus aims to explain how trust is formed in different types of democratic institutions. Moreover, it explains how the relationship between trust in a political institution and voter turnout can change depending on how trust is formed. The study is based on the content analysis of 30 semi-structured interviews from the Czech Republic. The study shows that respondents tend to develop trust in a political institution based on their assessment of the institution’s current performance and outcomes rather than their assessment of the institution itself. The study argues that an integral part of the concept of trust in a political institution is the popularity of the politicians who represent the institution. However, how trust is formed depends on the type of institution, which has important implications for measuring this concept. The relationship between institutional trust and turnout may also vary depending on how trust in an institution is formed. Thus, a potential correlation between trust in an institution and electoral participation may exist depending on the type of an institution.



与一般政治信任的学术研究相比,制度信任受到的关注相对较少。关于这一主题的研究倾向于将政治机构视为单一实体,忽视了不同机构从长远来看可能享有截然不同的信任程度的事实。本文基于这样的假设:制度信任的形成可能因制度类型而异,因此旨在解释不同类型的民主制度中信任是如何形成的。此外,它还解释了政治机构的信任与选民投票率之间的关系如何根据信任的形成方式而变化。该研究基于对捷克共和国 30 次半结构化访谈的内容分析。研究表明,受访者倾向于根据对政治机构当前绩效和成果的评估而不是对机构本身的评估来建立对政治机构的信任。该研究认为,政治机构信任概念的一个组成部分是代表该机构的政客的受欢迎程度。然而,信任的形成方式取决于机构的类型,这对于衡量这一概念具有重要意义。机构信任与投票率之间的关系也可能因机构信任的形成方式而异。因此,对机构的信任与选举参与之间可能存在潜在的相关性,具体取决于机构的类型。