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Evaluation of Emergency Contraceptive Pill Use with Health Management Information Systems Data in Pakistan
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12260
Shiza Farid 1 , Khan Mohammed 2 , Kristin Bietsch 3 , Priya Emmart 3

According to the WHO, all clients should have access to a range of contraceptive methods, including at least one short-term, one long-term, one permanent, and one emergency method of contraception. While there are data on the contraceptive method mix available for many low- and middle-income countries, there are limited data on emergency contraception (EC). This is likely due to some surveys not routinely collecting this information, how survey questions are asked, dual method use, and/or low levels of reported use of EC pill (ECP). Even with low reported use in surveys, contraceptive social marketing statistics from DKT International. show a trend in recent years of increasing product sales of ECPs. To understand a more complete scope of ECP use, we use Pakistan as a case study and analyze Pakistan's Demographic Health Survey (DHS) surveys and Pakistan's Contraceptives Logistics Management Systems. Based on commodities dispensed data for ECPs in 2021, about 0.4 percent of all married women in Pakistan use ECPs. While there is currently a small proportion of women, it is growing and the use of ECPs is not zero as indicated by the DHS. Therefore, where available, countries should review their health management information systems data alongside survey data for ECP use.



世界卫生组织表示,所有客户都应获得一系列避孕方法,包括至少一种短期、一种长期、一种永久和一种紧急避孕方法。虽然许多低收入和中等收入国家都有关于避孕方法组合的数据,但关于紧急避孕 (EC) 的数据有限。这可能是由于一些调查不定期收集这些信息、调查问题的提出方式、双重方法的使用和/或 EC 药丸 (ECP) 的使用报告水平较低。即使调查中报告的使用率较低,DKT International 的避孕社交营销统计数据也是如此。近年来ECP产品销量呈增长趋势。为了更全面地了解 ECP 的使用范围,我们以巴基斯坦为案例研究,分析巴基斯坦的人口健康调查 (DHS) 调查和巴基斯坦的避孕药具物流管理系统。根据 2021 年 ECP 的商品分配数据,巴基斯坦约 0.4% 的已婚妇女使用 ECP。虽然目前女性所占比例很小,但该比例正在增长,而且根据国土安全部的数据,紧急避孕药的使用率并非为零。因此,如果有的话,各国应审查其健康管理信息系统数据以及 ECP 使用的调查数据。