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Dances with Avatar: How Creators Can Reduce the Novelty of Their Work to Achieve More Creative Success
Academy of Management Review ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.5465/amr.2022.0511
Joshua H. Katz 1 , Lillien M. Ellis 2

While creativity is an established driver of profit for firms and success for individuals, not all situations are ideal for maximizing creativity. In this work, we establish a framework of ways that creators can deliberately reduce novelty in their works to make them more successful. The first way, permanent novelty reduction (PNR), is where creators decrease novelty in key aspects of their final product to make it more amenable to consumers or gatekeepers. The second way, temporary novelty reduction (TNR), involves strategically decreasing novelty in the short term to overcome environmental or functional resistance to novelty, often leading to a more creative product in the long term. Together, these two categories of novelty reduction support a new theoretical perspective: novelty reduction can play a critical role in the creative process. We develop this perspective by examining James Cameron and his team’s creative decisions during the making of one of the most successful films of all time, Avatar.



虽然创造力是公司利润和个人成功的既定驱动力,但并非所有情况都适合最大化创造力。在这项工作中,我们建立了一个框架,让创作者可以刻意减少作品的新颖性,从而使他们更加成功。第一种方法是永久减少新颖性 (PNR),即创作者减少最终产品关键方面的新颖性,使其更适合消费者或看门人。第二种方法是暂时减少新颖性(TNR),涉及在短期内战略性地减少新颖性,以克服环境或功能对新颖性的阻力,从长远来看通常会产生更具创意的产品。这两类新颖性减少共同支持了一个新的理论观点:新颖性减少可以在创作过程中发挥关键作用。我们通过研究詹姆斯·卡梅隆和他的团队在制作有史以来最成功的电影之一《阿凡达》期间的创意决策来发展这一观点。