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Country branding in post-truth Era: A configural narrative
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100854
Pramukh Nanjundaswamy Vasist , Satish Krishnan

This study investigates the impact of online disinformation and hate speech on a country's image, considering its implications for the destination's image and tourism prospects. Utilizing the theoretical lens of soft power, the study performs a macro-level empirical analysis across 56 countries on the influence of a diverse array of online disinformation variants and hate speech on the nation's brand image. The results from the configurational analysis demonstrate the increasing dominance of state and partisan factions-led disinformation, which collectively impact the nation's image. The findings also shed light on the diminishing role of foreign disinformation, while the ancillary function of online hate emphasizes the significance of disinformation amplified hate speech, which has become increasingly commonplace in global political discourse, with such disinformation campaigns using hate speech as an amplification strategy. The study contributes to contemporary tourism research, which underscores the vitality of the country's image to tourism and offers recommendations to destination marketing organizations towards intensifying efforts to preserve the country's image.



本研究调查了在线虚假信息和仇恨言论对国家形象的影响,考虑其对目的地形象和旅游前景的影响。该研究利用软实力的理论视角,对 56 个国家的各种网络虚假信息变体和仇恨言论对国家品牌形象的影响进行了宏观层面的实证分析。配置分析的结果表明,国家和党派派别主导的虚假信息日益占据主导地位,这共同影响了国家形象。研究结果还揭示了外国虚假信息的作用正在减弱,而网络仇恨的辅助功能则强调了虚假信息放大仇恨言论的重要性,这种言论在全球政治话语中已变得越来越普遍,此类虚假信息活动使用仇恨言论作为放大策略。该研究有助于当代旅游研究,强调国家形象对旅游业的活力,并为目的地营销组织提供建议,以加大力度维护国家形象。