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Cerebral and muscle tissue oxygenation during exercise in healthy adults: A systematic review
Journal of Sport and Health Science ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jshs.2024.03.003
Diego Orcioli-Silva 1 , Victor Spiandor Beretta 2 , Paulo Cezar Rocha Santos 3 , Felipe Marroni Rasteiro 4 , Anita Brum Marostegan 4 , Rodrigo Vitório 5 , Claudio Alexandre Gobatto 4 , Fúlvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto 4

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology has allowed for the measurement of cerebral and skeletal muscle oxygenation simultaneously during exercise. Since this technology has been growing and is now successfully used in laboratory and sports settings, this systematic review aimed to synthesize the evidence and enhance an integrative understanding of blood flow adjustments and oxygen (O) changes (i.e., the balance between O delivery and O consumption) within the cerebral and muscle systems during exercise. A systematic review was conducted using PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases to search for relevant studies that simultaneously investigated cerebral and muscle hemodynamic changes using the near-infrared spectroscopy system during exercise. This review considered manuscripts written in English and available before February 9, 2023. Each step of screening involved evaluation by 2 independent authors, with disagreements resolved by a third author. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist was used to assess the methodological quality of the studies. Twenty studies were included, of which 80% had good methodological quality, and involved 290 young or middle-aged adults. Different types of exercises were used to assess cerebral and muscle hemodynamic changes, such as cycling ( = 11), treadmill ( = 1), knee extension ( = 5), isometric contraction of biceps brachii ( = 3), and duet swim routines ( = 1). The cerebral hemodynamics analysis was focused on the frontal cortex ( = 20), while in the muscle, the analysis involved vastus lateralis ( = 18), gastrocnemius ( = 3), biceps brachii ( = 5), deltoid ( = 1), and intercostal muscle ( = 1). Overall, muscle deoxygenation increases during exercise, reaching a plateau in voluntary exhaustion, while in the brain, oxyhemoglobin concentration increases with exercise intensity, reaching a plateau or declining at the exhaustion point. Muscle and cerebral oxygenation respond differently to exercise, with muscle increasing O utilization and cerebral tissue increasing O delivery during exercise. However, at the exhaustion point, both muscle and cerebral oxygenation become compromised. This is characterized by a reduction in blood flow and a decrease in O extraction in the muscle, while in the brain, oxygenation reaches a plateau or decline, potentially resulting in motor failure during exercise.



近红外光谱 (NIRS) 技术可以在运动过程中同时测量大脑和骨骼肌的氧合情况。由于这项技术一直在发展,现已成功应用于实验室和运动环境,本次系统综述旨在综合证据并增强对血流调整和氧 (O) 变化(即 O 输送和 O 2 之间的平衡)的综合理解。运动期间大脑和肌肉系统内的消耗)。使用 PubMed、Embase、Scopus 和 Web of Science 数据库进行系统评价,以搜索使用近红外光谱系统同时研究运动期间大脑和肌肉血流动力学变化的相关研究。该综述考虑了 2023 年 2 月 9 日之前以英文撰写的手稿。筛选的每一步都涉及 2 位独立作者的评估,并由第三位作者解决分歧。乔安娜·布里格斯研究所批判性评估清单用于评估研究的方法学质量。纳入 20 项研究,其中 80% 具有良好的方法学质量,涉及 290 名青壮年。使用不同类型的运动来评估大脑和肌肉血流动力学变化,例如骑自行车( = 11)、跑步机( = 1)、膝关节伸展( = 5)、肱二头肌等长收缩( = 3)和双人游泳动作( = 1).脑血流动力学分析集中在额叶皮层(=20),而在肌肉中,分析涉及股外侧肌(=18)、腓肠肌(=3)、肱二头肌(=5)、三角肌(=1)和肋间肌 ( = 1)。 总体而言,运动过程中肌肉脱氧作用增加,在自愿力竭时达到平台状态,而在大脑中,氧合血红蛋白浓度随着运动强度的增加而增加,在力竭点达到平台状态或下降。肌肉和大脑氧合对运动的反应不同,运动期间肌肉增加氧气利用率,而脑组织增加氧气输送。然而,在精疲力尽时,肌肉和大脑的氧合作用都会受到损害。其特点是肌肉中血流量减少和氧气提取量减少,而在大脑中,氧合作用达到平台或下降,可能导致运动过程中的运动衰竭。