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Emotion or information? Differences and relationships between two types of professional support in online health communities
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.103944
Weiwei Sun , Xitong Guo , Ron Chi-Wai Kwok

One major challenge physicians face in online health communities (OHCs) is how to better support patients in online consultations. Addressing this issue requires an in-depth understanding of the differences and relationships between different types of professional support provided by physicians. We use text mining to quantify emotional and informational support in physician replies and compare their impacts on physician returns in OHCs. Our analysis suggests that informational support has a larger and longer-lasting effect than emotional support, and a complementary relationship exists between these two support types. We also find that jargon usage negatively moderates the effect of informational support.



医生在在线健康社区 (OHC) 中面临的一大挑战是如何更好地支持患者进行在线咨询。解决这个问题需要深入了解医生提供的不同类型专业支持之间的差异和关系。我们使用文本挖掘来量化医生回复中的情感和信息支持,并比较它们对 OHC 中医生回报的影响。我们的分析表明,信息支持比情感支持具有更大、更持久的效果,并且这两种支持类型之间存在互补关系。我们还发现行话的使用会对信息支持的效果产生负面影响。