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A unified framework for partitioning the drivers of stability of ecological communities
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13828
Jules Segrestin 1 , Lars Götzenberger 1, 2 , Enrique Valencia 3 , Francesco de Bello 1, 4 , Jan Lepš 1

Identifying the drivers of ecological stability is critical for ensuring the maintenance of ecosystem functioning and services, particularly in a changing world. Different ecological mechanisms by which biological communities stabilize ecosystem functions (i.e. “stabilizing effects”) have been proposed, yet with various theoretical expectations and debated conclusions. Here we propose a unified framework that aims at reconciling, and combining, different approaches to reliably test the strength of three stabilizing effects on the temporal constancy of ecosystem functions: the effects of (a) dominant species, (b) species asynchrony, and (c) diversity.



确定生态稳定性的驱动因素对于确保维持生态系统功能和服务至关重要,特别是在不断变化的世界中。人们提出了生物群落稳定生态系统功能(即“稳定效应”)的不同生态机制,但理论预期和结论存在争议。在这里,我们提出了一个统一的框架,旨在协调和组合不同的方法,以可靠地测试三种稳定效应对生态系统功能的时间稳定性的强度:(a)优势物种的影响,(b)物种异步的影响,以及( c) 多样性。