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First-order quantum correction of thermodynamics in a charged accelerating AdS black hole with gauge potential
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887824501494
Riasat Ali 1 , Rimsha Babar 1 , Houcine Aounallah 2 , Ali Övgün 3

In this paper, we study the tunneling radiation from a charged-accelerating AdS black hole with gauge potential under the impact of quantum gravity. Using the semi-classical phenomenon known as the Hamilton–Jacobi ansatz, it is studied that tunneling radiation occurs via the horizon of a black hole and also employs the Lagrangian equation using the generalized uncertainty principle. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of charge, gauge potential, and first order correction parameters on the temperature as well as the stable and unstable states of the black hole. We also compute thermodynamic properties such as entropy, internal energy, Helmholtz free energy, enthalpy, specific heat, and Gibbs free energy under the impact of the correction parameter for the black hole. We calculate the logarithmic modification terms for entropy around the equilibrium state to analyze the impacts of logarithmic correction. In the presence of the correction terms, we also check the validity of the thermodynamics. It examines the graphical representation of the influence of logarithmic correction on the thermodynamic properties of black hole stability as well as charged, accelerating, and gauge potential parameters.


具有规范势的带电加速 AdS 黑洞热力学的一阶量子修正

在本文中,我们研究了在量子引力影响下具有规范势的带电加速 AdS 黑洞的隧道辐射。利用被称为汉密尔顿-雅可比模拟的半经典现象,研究了隧道辐射通过黑洞视界发生的情况,并采用了广义不确定性原理的拉格朗日方程。此外,我们还研究了电荷、规范电位和一阶校正参数对温度以及黑洞稳定和不稳定状态的影响。我们还计算了黑洞校正参数影响下的热力学性质,例如熵、内能、亥姆霍兹自由能、焓、比热和吉布斯自由能。我们计算平衡状态附近熵的对数修正项,以分析对数修正的影响。在存在修正项的情况下,我们还检查热力学的有效性。它检查了对数校正对黑洞稳定性以及带电、加速和规范电位参数的热力学性质的影响的图形表示。
