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"Hold on to That Feeling": Disciplinary Formations and Asian B-Sides
Theatre Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1353/tj.2023.a922218
Broderick Chow


This essay is a personal and self-reflective account of how disciplinary and sub-disciplinary formations operate within the field of theatre and performance studies materially, politically, and economically. Reflecting on the five years since the publication of the author’s Theatre Journal article, “Feeling in Counterpoint” (2018), the article addresses how disciplinary formations work to enact harm on racialized and minoritized scholars in the field. Writing from the perspective of the field in the United Kingdom, the essay reflects on two significant moments in the author’s experience. First, the collective writing and publication of the open letter “White Colleague Listen!” in 2020, when UK theatre, dance, and performance studies scholars of the Global Majority articulated their experiences and desires for change in the field. Second, the author’s work of community building with the New Earth Performer’s Academy, a program for emerging East and Southeast Asian actors and performers. Between these two events, the essay argues that in order to transform itself, the field must come to terms with desire—in other words, scholars must be explicit about the desire that compels them toward their subject matter and their research.


“保持这种感觉”:纪律形成和亚洲 B 面


本文是对戏剧和表演研究领域中学科和子学科结构如何在物质、政治和经济上运作的个人和自我反思的描述。该文章回顾了作者在《戏剧杂志》上发表的文章《对位法的感觉》(2018 年)发表五年来的情况,探讨了学科结构如何对该领域的种族化和少数族裔学者造成伤害。这篇文章从英国这个领域的角度出发,反思了作者经历中的两个重要时刻。一是集体撰写并发表公开信《白同事听着!》2020 年,全球多数英国戏剧、舞蹈和表演研究学者阐述了他们在该领域的经验和变革愿望。其次,作者与新地球表演者学院的社区建设工作,这是一个针对东亚和东南亚新兴演员和表演者的项目。在这两个事件之间,本文认为,为了实现自身转型,该领域必须接受欲望——换句话说,学者们必须明确了解迫使他们从事其主题和研究的欲望。
