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Power and Theory: Structural Racism and Zones of Sanctioned Ignorance
Theatre Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1353/tj.2023.a922221
Dorinne Kondo


Through a case study of the creative process on the thirtieth anniversary revival of Anna Deavere Smith’s Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 at the Mark Taper Forum in 2023, this essay argues for centering theories of power in theatre practice as well as scholarship. The limits of mainstream US theatre models manifested in the workings of structural racism and what Gayatri Spivak calls “zones of sanctioned ignorance”—structurally overdetermined blind spots—about race, history, acting theory, and the division of labor in the “creative”/ labor process. Knowledge of cutting-edge “theory,” the continuing critique of our own worldmaking assumptions, and expansive visions of “theory” integrated with “practice” could disrupt mind/body dualism and lead us to reimagine conventional US theatre protocols, opening possibilities for progressive change.




本文通过对 2023 年马克·泰珀论坛上安娜·迪弗·史密斯的《暮光之城:洛杉矶 1992》重演三十周年之际的创作过程进行案例研究,主张将权力理论集中在戏剧实践和学术中。美国主流戏剧模式的局限性体现在结构性种族主义的运作中,以及加亚特里·斯皮瓦克(Gayatri Spivak)所说的“受制裁的无知区”——结构上过度决定的盲点——关于种族、历史、表演理论和“创意”/中的劳动分工。劳动过程。对尖端“理论”的了解、对我们自己的世界建构假设的持续批判,以及“理论”与“实践”相结合的广阔视野,可能会破坏身心二元论,并引导我们重新构想传统的美国戏剧协议,为进步的可能性提供可能性。改变。
