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Policy pathways to reduce disproportionate burdens in tuna fisheries
Fish and Fisheries ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1111/faf.12823
Bianca Haas 1 , Kamal Azmi 1 , Hussain Sinan 2 , Quentin Hanich 1

The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement requires states to recognise the special requirements of developing countries and to ensure that conservation and management measures do not place a disproportionate burden on developing countries. The aim of this article is to assess what policy arrangements are required to reduce the identified disproportionate burden. We developed a policy pathway that would allow members of tuna regional fisheries management organisations (tRFMOs) to strengthen their efforts to meet their duty to share conservation burdens more equitably. This pathway consists of policy options that were developed by using policy analysis, which is an innovative approach that provides actionable outcomes that can be used by tRFMO member states. Despite the global attention to reducing disproportionate conservation burdens, developing states are still suffering. The results of this article provide novel and timely policy options that have the potential to reduce the conservation burden carried by developing states.