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In‐suit synthesis of FeP/C/CNT composites with excellent performance in supercapacitors and lithium‐ion batteries
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.202304088
Yongdong Liu 1 , Shiyao Gao 1 , Deyi Zhang 1 , Xiaohui Niu 1 , Hongxia Li 1 , Kunjie Wang 1

Iron phosphide (FeP) is a promising electrochemical energy storage material due to easy to obtain and high theoretical capacity. However, the intrinsic poor conductivity and the large volume change during charging and discharging process, result in a sharp decline in capacity and short cycle life for FeP. In this work, the FeP/C/CNT nanocomposite was synthesized efficiently and conveniently by one‐step solid‐phase synthesis method. Amorphous carbon‐coated FeP particles are embedded in a three‐dimensional network structure composed of highly conductive carbon nanotubes, drastically enhancing the conductivity of FeP and reducing the volume expansion during charging and discharging. In the three‐electrode system, the FeP/C/CNT composites showed good electrochemical performance, with a specific capacity as high as 124.4 mAh g−1 at 1 A g−1. Meanwhile, the constructed Ni2P@C/CNT//FeP/C/CNT asymmetric supercapacitor delivered a high energy density (70.73 Wh kg−1), power density (7.9 kW kg−1) and a long cycle life (10000 cycles). In addition, as served as an anode material in the lithium ion battery, the FeP/C/CNT composite also displayed as high as 601.8 mAh g−1of specific capacity at 0.1 A g−1 and a good cycle stability, showing superior electrochemical performance. The above work provides a promising composite material for supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries. Moreover, the solid‐state preparation methods can provide a reference for the synthesis of transition metal phosphides.



磷化铁(FeP)由于易于获得且理论容量高,是一种很有前景的电化学储能材料。然而,FeP固有的较差的导电性和充放电过程中较大的体积变化导致容量急剧下降和循环寿命短。本工作采用一步固相合成法,高效、便捷地合成了 FeP/C/CNT 纳米复合材料。非晶碳包覆的 FeP 颗粒嵌入由高导电碳纳米管组成的三维网络结构中,大大提高了 FeP 的电导率,并减少了充放电过程中的体积膨胀。在三电极体系中,FeP/C/CNT复合材料表现出良好的电化学性能,比容量高达124.4 mAh g−11 A g时−1。同时,构建的 Ni2P@C/CNT//FeP/C/CNT非对称超级电容器具有高能量密度(70.73 Wh kg−1),功率密度(7.9 kW·kg−1)和长循环寿命(10000 次循环)。此外,作为锂离子电池负极材料,FeP/C/CNT复合材料也表现出高达601.8 mAh g−10.1 A g 时的比容量−1和良好的循环稳定性,表现出优越的电化学性能。上述工作为超级电容器和锂离子电池提供了一种有前景的复合材料。此外,固相制备方法可为过渡金属磷化物的合成提供参考。