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Music consumption and uses in Japan
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241234071
Keegan Kok 1 , Adrian C North 1 , Takeshi Hamamura 1 , Kongmeng Liew 2

This research investigates the relationship between music consumption and cultural dimensions within a Japanese context. Since Japan is the second largest music market globally, it is surprising that there is little focus on those factors often examined in cross-cultural research that might mean Western findings do not extrapolate well. A questionnaire using established measures of tightness–looseness, relational mobility, and ideal affect was used to test three main research questions. RQ1 was that there should be a relationship between cultural dimensions and musical taste, and this was fully supported. RQ2 was that cultural dimensions should relate to participants’ goals of music consumption, and this was largely supported. RQ3 was that there should be a relationship between socioeconomic status and musical taste, but this was not supported. The findings also supported several more specific research questions concerning how specific uses of music ought to relate to specific cultural dimensions. The findings of the study help us better understand the way music is consumed in relation to specific cultural dimensions in the context of Japan and beyond. It also extends the literature concerning music and cross-cultural psychology where prior research has not considered these dimensions within the context of music consumption.



这项研究调查了日本背景下的音乐消费与文化维度之间的关系。由于日本是全球第二大音乐市场,令人惊讶的是,人们很少关注跨文化研究中经常检查的那些因素,这可能意味着西方的研究结果不能很好地推断。使用既定的松紧度、关系流动性和理想情感指标的问卷调查来测试三个主要研究问题。RQ1 是文化维度和音乐品味之间应该存在关系,这一点得到了充分支持。RQ2 是文化维度应与参与者的音乐消费目标相关,这一点得到了大力支持。RQ3 是社会经济地位和音乐品味之间应该存在关系,但这没有得到支持。研究结果还支持了几个更具体的研究问题,即音乐的特定用途应如何与特定的文化维度相关联。这项研究的结果有助于我们更好地了解日本及其他地区特定文化维度下的音乐消费方式。它还扩展了有关音乐和跨文化心理学的文献,而先前的研究尚未在音乐消费的背景下考虑这些维度。