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Participatory online music creation as a crisis response: A qualitative case study
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241235647
Yingjie Zheng 1 , Hui Zhang 2

Online participatory music creation provided an opportunity to build the public’s psychological resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown measures that led to widespread negative emotions on a societal level. This study explored how online participation in music creation as a crisis response contributes to the public’s mental health. The study employed a qualitative method that combines network ethnography and multimodal performance discourse analysis to conduct participatory observation and content analysis of people’s activities related to the song “Wuhan Ya” (the Wuhan Kids) and its participatory creation. The results showed that “Wuhan Ya” and its creation process demonstrated a music phenomenon centered on local identity and characterized by collective participation. The study proposed a theoretical framework to explain how this music phenomenon promotes mental health. In the context of song creation and dissemination, the public’s psychological resilience to crises is bolstered by engaging in emotional contagion, behavioral responses, and social support processes.



COVID-19 封锁措施导致社会层面普遍存在负面情绪,在线参与式音乐创作为增强公众的心理弹性提供了机会。这项研究探讨了在线参与音乐创作作为危机应对措施如何有助于公众的心理健康。本研究采用网络民族志与多模态表演话语分析相结合的定性方法,对歌曲《武汉鸭》及其参与性创作相关的人群活动进行参与式观察和内容分析。结果表明,《武汉雅》及其创作过程呈现出一种以本土身份为中心、集体参与为特征的音乐现象。该研究提出了一个理论框架来解释这种音乐现象如何促进心理健康。在歌曲创作和传播的背景下,公众对危机的心理弹性通过参与情绪感染、行为反应和社会支持过程来增强。