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Temperature-resilient superior performances by coupling partial nitritation/anammox and iron-based denitrification with granular formation
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121424
Wenbin Liu 1 , Jianzheng Li 1 , Tao Liu 2 , Min Zheng 3 , Jia Meng 1 , Jiuling Li 4

Partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A), an energy-neutral process, is widely employed in the treatment of nitrogen-rich wastewater. However, the intrinsic nitrate accumulation limits the total nitrogen (TN) removal, and the practical application of PN/A continues to face a significant challenge at low temperatures (<15 °C). Here, an integrated partial nitritation-anammox and iron-based denitrification (PNAID) system was developed to address the concern. Two up-flow bioreactors were set up and operated for 400 days, with one as the control group and the other as the experiment group with the addition of Fe0. In comparison to the control group, the experiment group with the Fe0 supplement showed better nitrogen removal during the entire course of the experiment at different temperature levels. Specifically, the TN removal efficiency of the control group decreased from 82.9 % to 53.9 % when the temperature decreased from 30 to 12 °C, while in stark contrast, the experiment group consistently achieved 80 % of TN removal in the same condition. Apart from the enhanced nitrogen removal, the experiment group also exhibited better phosphorus removal (10.6 % versus 74.1 %) and organics removal (49.5 % versus 65.1 %). The enhanced and resilient nutrient removal performance of the proposed integrated process under low temperatures appeared to be attributed to the compact structure of granules and the increased microbial metabolism with Fe0 supplement, elucidated by a comprehensive analysis including microbial-specific activity, apparent activation energy, characteristics of granular sludge, and metagenomic sequencing. These results clearly confirmed that Fe0 supplement not only improved nitrogen removal of PN/A process, but also conferred a certain degree of robustness to the system in the face of temperature fluctuations.



部分硝化厌氧氨氧化 (PN/A) 是一种能源中性工艺,广泛用于处理富含氮的废水。然而,固有的硝酸盐积累限制了总氮 (TN) 的去除,PN/A 的实际应用在低温 (<15 °C) 下继续面临重大挑战。在这里,开发了一种集成的部分硝化-厌氧氨氧化和铁基反硝化 (PNAID) 系统来解决这一问题。设置两个上流式生物反应器并运行400 d,一个作为对照组,另一个作为实验组,并添加了Fe0。与对照组相比,添加 Fe0 的实验组在不同温度水平下,在整个实验过程中表现出更好的脱氮效果。具体而言,当温度从 30 °C 降至 12 °C 时,对照组的 TN 去除效率从 82.9 % 下降到 53.9 %,而与此形成鲜明对比的是,实验组在相同条件下始终达到 80% 的 TN 去除率。除了增强的脱氮效果外,实验组还表现出更好的磷去除率(10.6% 对 74.1%)和有机物去除率(49.5% 对 65.1%)。所提出的集成过程在低温下增强和有弹性的营养物去除性能似乎归因于颗粒的紧凑结构和 Fe0 补充剂增加的微生物代谢,通过包括微生物特异性活性、表观活化能、颗粒污泥特性和宏基因组测序在内的综合分析来阐明。 这些结果清楚地证实,Fe0 添加不仅改善了 PN/A 过程的脱氮效果,而且在面对温度波动时赋予了系统一定程度的稳健性。