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The IFRS adoption, corporate tax avoidance and the moderating effect of family ownership
International Journal of Law and Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1108/ijlma-06-2023-0135
Salma Chakroun , Anis Ben Amar


This paper aims to examine the influence of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption on corporate tax avoidance (CTA). In addition, this study aims to explore whether family ownership moderates the impact of IFRS adoption on CTA.


The authors used a sample of 1,856 firms from various countries around the world, covering the period between 2010 and 2022. To estimate the proposed econometric models, the authors applied both fixed and random effects regression methods.


The present findings show that IFRS adoption has a negative impact on CTA, as measured by the effective tax rate and book-tax differences. This negative impact is more pronounced in “common law” countries than in “civil law countries.” Additionally, the authors found that family ownership plays a moderating role by positively affecting the impact of IFRS adoption on CTA.

Practical implications

The findings have practical, regulatory and academic implications for fostering accountability and fairness in taxation. This study suggests that implementing IFRS reduces tax avoidance and emphasizes the need for firms to evaluate the implications of IFRS adoption on their tax-planning strategies. It highlights the importance of aligning financial reporting practices with international standards to enhance transparency and minimize tax avoidance opportunities. The differential impact of IFRS adoption between “common law” and “civil law” countries underscores the role of legal and regulatory frameworks. In addition, family ownership plays a significant role in shaping tax-planning strategies. From an academic perspective, this research provides a foundation for further exploration into the relationship between IFRS adoption and tax avoidance.


The existing literature has predominantly concentrated on examining the effect of IFRS adoption on CTA, and the empirical findings have been inconsistent. This study introduces a novel perspective by considering the moderating influence of family ownership in determining the impact of IFRS adoption on CTA.




本文旨在探讨采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS)对企业避税(CTA)的影响。此外,本研究旨在探讨家族所有权是否会减轻采用 IFRS 对 CTA 的影响。


作者使用了来自世界各地 1,856 家公司的样本,涵盖 2010 年至 2022 年期间。为了估计所提出的计量经济模型,作者应用了固定效应回归方法和随机效应回归方法。


目前的研究结果表明,采用 IFRS 对 CTA 产生负面影响,这可以通过有效税率和账面税差异来衡量。这种负面影响在“英美法系”国家比“大陆法系国家”更为明显。此外,作者发现,家族所有权通过积极影响 IFRS 的采用对 CTA 的影响而发挥调节作用。




现有文献主要集中于研究采用 IFRS 对 CTA 的影响,但实证结果并不一致。本研究引入了一种新颖的视角,考虑了家族所有权在确定采用 IFRS 对 CTA 的影响时的调节影响。
